It can also be used as a road map of one’s soul. The Tree of Life provides a hierarchical structure for all of the forces in the Universe. It reminds you that you are not alone in the Universe but rather part of a vast interconnected network. So what does the Tree of Life represent? A connection to everything including the things we cannot see or the void beyond. Like all the other symbols in this list it is not identified by a single culture and it has been used around the world for centuries. The Tree of Life is another popular universal symbol it represents numerous systems across varying cultures and religions. Other sacred patterns such as the Egg of Life, Seed of Life and the Tree of Life also exists within the Flower of Life pattern.

The ancients knew about the energetic nature of our existence. Modern science and quantum physics are confirming the cosmic significance of these ancient sacred geometric forms which represent the building blocks of our physical universe. The Flower of Life is said to be the actual blueprint of the universe continuing the basic design of every atomic and molecular structure, life form, etc essentially everything in existence. Out of the complete Flower of Life pattern a new shape emerges the The Fruit of Life. In the past this image and knowledge related to the Flower of Life was so sacred that they couldn’t allow it to become common knowledge. The typical depiction Flower of Life always stops after 19 circles, the remaining circles are hidden outside the bounds of the outer circle. The Flower of Life was known around the world in ancient times and has been found in Ireland, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, China, Israel, Germany, England, Tibet, Japan and Sweden.